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FAQs for Super Users Onboarding

Our UK based Customer Success Team will oversee the onboarding process. 

  1. What is involved in the onboarding process?
    We will provide you with a Klinik Custom Onboarding Process document that describes each step in the process. It includes the materials available in terms of guidance for set up and training, marketing materials we create, requirements for your set up meeting and preparing for go-live and beyond. 
  2. What support and advice will I receive during onboarding?
    You will be allocated a designated account manager who will provide support and guidance on creating an optimal platform and patient flow for your practice.
  3. Top tips for onboarding
    - Your project team should set clear goals and outcomes
    - Understand the patient demand
    - Create a project team with representation from each team within your practice
    - Map out processes to avoid hand offs of enquiries where possible and don’t simply map Klinik to current processes
    - Klinik works best when cases are managed within Klinik and transferred to the PHR when dealt with
    - Review other Klinik platforms 
    - Use Klinik for all enquiries both clinical and administrative
    - Engage with your patients in advance of go-live
    - Ensure your teams are aware of and have bought into the internal process
    - Understand how the dashboard can assist with resourcing when building the platform specification
    - Users should work and manage enquiries within Klinik using 2 screens
    - Fully test the platform before going live
  4. What type of training is offered?

    Our training is accessible to all users to view at a time which suits them best via modular video links. The training videos have been specifically designed for both Super users (key contacts) and standard users within the practice respectively.

    We also offer online or on-site training as an additional service should this be required.

  5. How long does the onboarding process take?

    Onboarding can take anything from 1 - 8 weeks depending on the complexity of the platform specification. We will work with you to accommodate timelines which suit you and your team and we check in with you around 2 weeks before you go live to ensure you are comfortable with the set up and deal with any remaining questions or concerns you may have.