12th April 2023
For professional users:
- As a service group super user I need to be able to see the full event log of how a case was handled - The full event log will now be visible behind a button for each individual case. This feature provides much more detail on how individual cases have been handled.
- As a professional user I want to understand the meaning of icons in the ProUI. - Hover text descriptions for the guardian and child icons in the ProUI have been added as - 'Child under 16' & 'Proxy'
- As a professional user I need to know when the patient case list has last been updated - There is now a timestamp providing visibility on when the patient list was last updated within the ProUI.
- As a service group super user I want to be able to view all my service group's snooze history - Changed logic within the ProUI which now shows full snooze history available in the settings section
- As a professional user I don't want to inadvertently sent an enquiry to the unit I'm working in - Ability for users to send an enquiry to the same unit has been removed to prevent errors/double handling.