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Information in the patient case list

There are tabs for new contact requests and those being handled (New contact requests), messages sent by patients (New messages), and contact requests that have been handled (Archive). You can also browse contact requests that you have handled under “My cases”. You can move between lists by clicking the relevant tab header.

  1. Status of a contact request (blue ball = new, or unhandled online enquiry; no ball = being handled; amber ball = urgent, blue arrow = directed from another unit or submitted through Connect (telephone module), red triangle=acute, needs to be contacted as soon as possible)
  2. Arrived - Date and time a contact request was received (no date if sent on the current day)
  3. Patient Case - Name of the sender of a contact request
  4. Subject - Subject of a contact request (the tile/enquiry type selected by the patient)
  5. Unit - Unit/team that the patient’s contact request concerns.

You can also change the order as follows:

- you can click the header and this will display the oldest enquiries first

Patient case- you can click the header and this will change the view to alphabetical

Unit- use the filter to select one or more teams that you wish to view.

All priorities- you can use the filter to look at non urgent or urgent enquiries

You can also click the yellow dot to pull all emergency/urgent enquiries to the top of the enquiry list.